Friday, March 23, 2012

Vegas test session Not so good

GOODMORNING , It's race day , time for some fun and time to get these cars dialed in . Yesterday was not the best test session we've eve had by far . We weren't even close on Dave's car . The index for Super Comp is 9.05 in Vegas instead of the customary 8.90 . The reason for the change in index is because of the elevation of the track . Vegas is 2100ft above sea level . The higher the altitude the less oxygen in the air . Less oxygen less horse power so they slow the index down to compensate for having less HP . The theory being when you go to different tracks with different elevations the car should be close to the corrected index . I hope I explained that so you can understand it . Now on to my car which for some reason didn't want to go straight down the track on either run . It was like driving on a slip and slide . After doing that twice I decided to make some changes to the chassis setup so we'll have to wait untill tomorrow to see what happens . Bottom line pretty much a waste off time . We'll try again tomorrow . I'll let you know how it goes . Thanks for checking in .

Kenny Speed The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual.Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. -Ayn Rand

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